
Showing posts from August, 2011


At school, we were once visited by a local Reverend every Monday morning for about a month. He had interesting theories about sex and relationships. He first  claimed oreo cookies were like sex. To explain this further, he described his favourite method of eating them; breaking them in half, and eating the filling in the middle first before eating the biscuits. Apparently, this is similar to sex in that it should be savoured and time and care should be taken in order to enjoy the experience. Jumping right in and not taking time to savour the moment means you can't appreciate it.  His second theory was that baking a cake is like a relationship and sex. He described that a cake has layers, just like a relationship. The first layer is trust, and bonding. The second layer I can't recall but it had something to do with relationship building. The best part of the cake is the icing - SEX! Without the first two layers, sex will not be such an enjoyable experience. On Thursda