Advice to Law Students: Learn the IRAC method!

It wasn't until I had to resit my third year at university that I really wished I had learnt the IRAC method sooner. We were taught how to use the IRAC method back in first year and although I did try to use it, I just couldn't understand it because I was so set in my own writing style.

For those of you who haven't heard of it or don't know what it stands for, it can be understood as follows:

I = ISSUE = what is the legal problem?
R = RULE = what does the law say about this legal problem?
A = APPLICATION = apply the law to the problem, sometimes look at all of the alternative options 
C = CONCLUSION = which solution is the best one based on the rules? Explain and conclude! 

It took me three years (yes - THREE YEARS!) to get my head around this but it boosted my grades because there was a better and clearer structure to all my essays and exam answers. 

I already had my own structure and style of writing out which sometimes worked dependent on the subject and the lecturer, but IRAC certainly helped.

There are many sources on IRAC including other blogs, youtube explanations and the main source that helped me was Law Nerds. Have a click of the link below if you would like further explanation! :)

Law Nerds: IRAC method


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